Happy Vesak
Happy Vesak/Buddha jayanthi.
Today marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha.
(Recently heard talk)
The Buddha taught gratification, its danger and the escape (Saṁyutta Nikāya 22.26).
We live in a sensual world. We have 6 senses and we seek gratification through them.
Eyes through forms
Ears through sound
Tongue through taste
Nose through smells
Body through touch
Mind through thoughts
Nothing wrong there.
But know the danger in excess. Don't cross boundaries. People kill, steal, lie etc. to get what they want. Keep the 5 precepts. It's for our own protection.
Just this: following 5 precepts, practicing generosity and cultivating unconditional love for all beings will lead one to much happiness in this life and a good rebirth in the next.
Then there's the next level up. Escape. At some point as wisdom develops, one realizes this constant seeking of gratification in the external world is not satisfactory. Return is diminishing. People get bored and in some cases they turn to alcohol and drugs to get a high. Or they take up extreme sports - bungee jumping, cliff climbing - just to feel alive. The wise ones also see this same unsatisfactoriness but turn inwards to find a solution. This can lead to a happiness that is super normal. Far superior to the ordinary happiness we get through gratification.
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